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    What is Volvo trucks fuel consumption?

    What is Volvo trucks fuel consumption?

    We covered extensive topics on how best to evaluate and find information about Volvo FH trucks.

    What is Volvo truck fuel consumption?

    For all trucks, including Volvo FH, the following factors affect fuel consumption: such as engine type, load conditions, driving style, terrain, and road conditions. The configuration of the truck itself and the additional systems and technologies it uses play a crucial role in impacting fuel consumption. The objective is to reduce fuel costs, and this is where Volvo FH truck designers primarily focus, striving to ensure that fuels are used as cost effectively as possible.


    Before discussing the Volvo FH’s systems that help reduce fuel consumption, it’s important to note that the average fuel consumption for Volvo FH trucks with diesel engines, considering load, driving conditions, and engine specifications, can vary between 25 and 35 litres per 100 kilometres (l/100 km). Choosing a natural gas engine can further enhance fuel efficiency, thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The fuel consumption of natural gas engines is measured in kilograms per 100 kilometres (kg/100 km). For example, liquefied natural gas engine fuel consumption can range from 20 to 30 kg/100 km, while compressed natural gas engines can range from 25 to 35 kg/100 km. These alternative fuel types not only save money but also contribute to reducing the ecological footprint.


    Improvements in the engine itself, aerodynamics-enhancing technologies, and systems optimising the performance of power units also significantly contribute to optimizing fuel consumption. First and foremost, it is essential to highlight the I-Save fuel efficiency system designed for long-distance journeys. I-Save not only ensures exceptionally pleasant driving but also enhances overall driving characteristics. The system offers a higher torque, lower engine revs, and a quieter power unit – advantages appreciated by the majority of drivers.


    Included in the I-Save system package is the I-See program, providing road information ahead to optimise speed, gear shifting, and engine braking. By using I-Save, fuel is saved through the optimisation of speed, gear changes, and coasting based on topography, road curves, roundabouts, and speed restrictions. This means that the constant speed maintenance system can be employed in various situations, allowing for fuel savings and a reduction in CO2 emissions from the first moment behind the wheel of a Volvo FH.


    Contributing to fuel efficiency is Volvo’s range of automated gearboxes, I-Shift, designed for smoother, more comfortable, and economical driving. The gear is automatically shifted at the most suitable moment every time, with faster gear changes than ever before. With I-Shift, achieving a smooth start and fuel-efficient driving is easily accomplished – just choose the rear axle ratio suitable for faster travel, enabling optimal speed at lower revs.


    Volvo also provides monitoring services for fuel and energy consumption, such as Fuel & Environment, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of fuel and energy usage. Easy-to-understand reports provide a clear overview of fuel costs, mileage, emission levels, and many other indicators, allowing to discover additional ways to save fuel. Additionally, this service enables the monitoring of driver efficiency. It is no secret that optimising fuel consumption can also take into account driving habits. Using this service, in just a few seconds, the prepared reports allow you to understand why one driver consumes more fuel than the other. Drivers are assessed with fuel usage efficiency scores ranging from 0 to 100, enabling a comparison of driver performance and providing suitable training based on individual needs.


    It’s important to note that proper maintenance and fleet management services also contribute to reducing fuel consumption, saving you valuable resources. Regular maintenance procedures, continuous monitoring, and the development of fleet management strategies help maintain the efficiency of the truck and save fuel during long-distance travel.


    All these mentioned aspects are incorporated into the operating philosophy of Volvo FH trucks, aiming for a combination of power, environmental friendliness, and cost-effective usage.

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