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    Volvo trucks engines

    Volvo trucks engines

    We covered extensive topics on how best to evaluate and find information about Volvo FH trucks.

    Types and Specifications of Volvo FH Truck Engines – What Makes Them Reliable and Efficient?

    Just as a day begins in the morning, the success story of any vehicle starts with its engine. In Europe, Volvo engines are manufactured in Sweden, the home country of the company itself. The Volvo FH truck engines are no exception and have gained a reputation for their reliability, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. The engines in the Volvo FH truck series can be powered by diesel, gas, or electricity (see Figure 1).


    Regardless of the chosen engine type, they are designed to operate efficiently and reliably, even under challenging operating conditions. Diesel and natural gas engines ensure low emissions, meeting strict requirements set by various countries.


    Fig. 1. Volvo offers a range of engine types categorised by torque and horsepower.


    Picture1 2

    Volvo FH Diesel Engines

    The primary distinction of diesel engines lies in their high torque levels at lower engine speeds. This allows climbing hills in higher gears, resulting in fuel savings.


    The two main diesel engines in the Volvo FH series are the D13 and D16, where the number following the letter D indicates the engine displacement in litres. D13 engine delivers power ranges from 420 to 540 horsepower (HP), with a torque of 2000–2600 Nm. This engine underscores Volvo’s commitment to delivering reliable, efficient, and performance-driven solutions for diverse transportation needs.


    Meanwhile, the D16 engine’s power output ranges from 550 to 750 HP, with a torque of 2800–3550 Nm. Such indicators signify that the engine should be chosen for heavy loads and especially challenging operating conditions.


    Volvo FH Natural Gas Engines

    Dujinių variklių sukimo momentas esant lėtesnėms apsukoms kiek mažesnis nei dyzelinių „Volvo FH“ variklių, bet tai kompensuojama kitomis pažangiomis technologijomis, todėl skirtumas nėra itin reikšmingas. Pagrindinis dujinių variklių pranašumas – tylesnis ir švelnesnis veikimas.


    SGD (suskystintos gamtinės dujos): „Volvo FH LNG“ vilkikai varomi 13 litrų talpos SGD varikliu (G13). Sunkvežimiais su suskystintų dujų varikliu galima nuvažiuoti iki 1 000 km. Tokio variklio galia siekia nuo 420 iki 460 AG, o sukimo momentas – nuo 2100 iki 2300 Nm. Šie varikliai yra tvari alternatyva dyzeliniams, nes užtikrina mažesnį išmetamo CO2 kiekį ir triukšmo lygį.


    SGD (suslėgtos gamtinės dujos): CNG variklis skirtas transporto užduotims mieste, pvz., komunalinių paslaugų teikimui arba krovinių vežiojimo darbams. Vilkiku su tokiu varikliu galima nuvažiuoti iki 400 km, o variklio galia siekia nuo 320 iki 420 AG, o sukimo momentas – nuo 1 600 iki 1 900 Nm. Jei daug ir dažnai galvojate apie gamtą, SGD varikliai jums bus patrauklūs dėl savo aplinkosauginių privalumų, įskaitant mažesnius išmetamus CO2 ir kietųjų dalelių kiekius.



    Volvo FH Electric Engines

    If your goal is to move towards a zero-emission and more sustainable future, and the distances covered in a single journey are not in the thousands, you can confidently opt for an electric engine featuring silent operation, 450–666 HP power, and rapidly generated torque. With a single charge, you can travel up to 300 km, making these engines particularly suitable for intercity transportation.


    Noteworthy are the exceptional technologies and features of Volvo FH engines:


    • Common rail fuel injection technology optimises fuel supply, improving combustion efficiency, and reducing emissions.
    • The use of turbochargers increases the intake air pressure, allowing the engine to operate more efficiently and swiftly as power and torque increase.
    • Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system reduces nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions by recirculating a portion of the exhaust gases back into the combustion chamber.
    • The Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system injects a fluid (AdBlue) made from urea into the exhaust gas stream, converting harmful nitrogen oxides (NOx) into nitrogen and water vapour, significantly reducing emissions.
    • Volvo Engine Brake (VEB) provides additional braking power by utilising engine compression, slowing down the vehicle, reducing wear on the service brakes, and enhancing overall safety.
    • All Volvo diesel engines (except D5) are six-cylinder inline engines, ensuring greater durability as the inline design can withstand higher loads. Moreover, it provides the ability to maintain the appropriate operating temperature and optimal performance under heat conditions.
    • Technical maintenance intervals extend up to 150,000 km.
    • Engine power, efficiency, and fuel economy are complemented by features such as I-Save (which reduces fuel consumption on long journeys) and I-See (analysing upcoming road gradients and adjusting the vehicle’s speed for more fuel-efficient usage).
    • Volvo FH engines comply with exhaust emission standards, such as Euro 6, and adhere to the strictest environmental standards.


    The Volvo FH series engines can be powered by diesel, gas, or electricity. The choice of engine type is yours to make, of course, while consulting with specialists to ensure that the selected engine best meets your needs—considerations such as noise, power, torque, environmental requirements, and load. However, all Volvo FH engines guarantee reliability, performance, and efficiency.


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