Volvo Anti-Lock Brake System Fault Codes List
ABS is an anti-skid system installed in the Volvo vehicle. It is designed to prevent the wheels from locking up during heavy braking and to maintain traction and stability on the road.
EBS is an electronically controlled anti-lock disc-brake system. It consists of such advanced functions as ESP brake stabilisation. The system considerably increases driving safety and driveability. EBS is an extremely rapid response system due to its electronic signal transmission functionality.
Fault codes
Frequently asked questions
What are DTC codes?
DTC stands for Diagnostic Trouble Codes. It communicates particular malfunctions to you about your vehicle so that you comprehend what issues it encounters at any given moment.
What are SA codes?
SA stands for the Source Address. It describes which computer is identifying the fault. For example, SA 0 signal is coming from the engine computer while SA 3 code – from the transmission computer.
What are SPN codes?
SPN stands for Suspected Parameter Number. It identifies the location of the circuit where the fault occurred. For example, if you are seeing a SPN 1791 code, it identifies that the fault occurred in the EGR Valve Control Circuit.
What are FMI codes?
FMI stands for Failure Mode Indicator. It describes to you the reason for the fault code setup. The list of FMI codes has 22 different indicators, with each one giving you a clue on how the fault code was set up. For example, FMI 13 code will identify that a component is out of calibration while FMI 2 will identify that the data read by the circuit is erratic.
Fault codes categories
Anti-Lock Brake System Fault Codes
ABS is your most important safety measure that is installed in Volvo vehicles – it will help you maintain stability on the road and prevent accidents.
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Aftertreatment Control Module Fault Codes
ACM codes will identify malfunctions related to the vehicle’s emission system making sure it runs in operational mode.
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Air Production Modulator Fault Codes
APM code will identify malfunctions related to the braking circuit and auxiliary equipment.
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Engine Managing System Fault Codes
EMS codes identify malfunctions related to the vehicle’s sensors, relays, actuators, and Engine Control Unit.
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